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The Olive Oil Route

  • Discover Umbria
  • To see
  • The Olive Oil Route
    Umbria boasts a single Olive Oil Route with five different geographical indications to identify the same sub-areas in which the oil can be produced.
  • Category: Nature, Food & Wine, Itinerario del gusto
  • Suitable: disabled, groups, young people, pensionati, children, familes, single

Umbria boasts a single Olive Oil Route with five different geographical indications to identify the same sub-areas in which the oil can be produced:

  • Trasimeno, which occupies the north-west area of the region, with Perugia, the area of Lake Trasimeno, Città di Castello, Umbertide and Montone;
  • Colli Orvietani, which takes its name from the city of the cliff (Orvieto) and also includes Città della Pieve and Marsciano;
  • Colli Amerini, south of Umbria with Amelia and Narni representative cities;
  • Colli Assisi Spoleto, the most extensive geographical area and with some of the municipalities most strongly characterized by the production of quality oil such as Trevi, Spello, Assisi, Spoleto and many others
  • Colli Martani, which extends to the center of Umbria and includes among its municipalities Montefalco, Bevagna, Torgiano, Cannara and Todi.

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